Welcome to Homeschool Acting Studio. Whether you are a professional creative, an aspiring artist, or a human being seeking a more fulfilling life, we’re glad you’re here. At HAS, we provide you with dynamic tools, industry insights, and personalized care so that you can express yourself with authenticity and joy.

We collaboratively identify challenging, but attainable goals, and design a personalized coaching program with each client. All of our one-on-one and group programs are built to cultivate your confidence, discover your versatility, and accentuate your uniqueness. And we don’t just work with artists. We’re here to help people from ALL walks of life better understand themselves so that they can thrive.


We know what it’s like to be an up-and-coming actor in a hyper-competitive atmosphere—both in and out of a pandemic. All of our coaches at HAS know that it requires empathy, self-love, compassion, and resilience. That is why our flexible, client-centered philosophy is what sets us apart from more traditional coaching services. We are so excited to work with you. Let’s get started!